Come Be a Part of the Choir
The Sanctuary Choir is open to anyone youth age and up. No prior experience is necessary. Being able to read music is not a necessity. We teach you the songs in our rehearsals. Pray that God will lead you to be a part of the choir ministry and come be one of those “praisers”.
“All Glory Be To Christ” Hymn Story
Dustin Kensrue, lyricist, explains how the song came about:
On December 31, 2011, I was on a late flight down to Orange County from Seattle. The next morning, I would be getting up early the next day to lead worship at Mars Hill OC. Scrunched in my middle seat, I was bent over my computer with a grim determination trying to finish something I had been toiling over for a couple of years rewriting the lyrics to “Auld Lang Syne” the song most associated with ringing in the new year.
The song is generally understood to be something of a reminder for us to foster old and dear friendships. While this is a noble thought, I always had the feeling that there was a possibly better use of the most popular melody in the world.
So that year at 30,000 feet, I finally finished the hymn and played it the next morning at church. The idea is that we would dedicate all our efforts to bringing glory to Jesus Christ, to acknowledge that anything else would be of no value, and to celebrate our redemption in him.