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Minister's Blog

February, 2025

February 3, 2025

Please help me pray for our Men’s Retreat, February 7-8
“Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Spiritual retreats have been a regular occurrence in my life for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories involves boarding a charter bus in the parking lot of the Junior Food Mart in Dubach that was headed to Ridgecrest in North Carolina for “Family Week.” Since then, I have been to countless children’s, youth, young adult, ministers’, and men’s retreats. I have even had the opportunity to take a leadership role in the planning and directing of several retreats. When we take special care to get away and spend protracted time with the Lord, we should expect to be blessed through the study of His Word and the fellowship we enjoy with other believers. As our men prepare for next week’s retreat, I would ask you to pray for God to work in some specific ways.
Pray the men would show up. This may seem silly, but right now excuses and fears are creeping in, and many will be tempted to back out.
Pray for a willingness and desire to disconnect and seek the Lord. We are so connected, but we need to seek Him in faith, believing He will reward us.
Pray that any who may be lost would repent and believe the Gospel and be saved.
Pray for the Spirit to move Christian men to repentance and godliness through the ministry of the Word of God as it is taught and discussed.
Pray for deep, God-glorifying relationships to be formed that will bear fruit through encouragement, accountability, and spiritual conversations enjoyed for years to come.
Mission Canada 2025
We had a great time last summer working with Big Rock Baptist Church in Okotoks, Alberta Canada. God was faithful to bless our efforts and answer prayers as we sought to help Big Rock conduct a Vacation Bible School and reach out to their community. We were also able to connect with Nathan and Emily Taylor, NAMB church planting missionaries from our area. Our church continues to support them with prayer and finances. Several churches in our area are travelling to Canada this summer to help Nathan and Emily in outreach/church planting efforts.
A couple of months ago Nathan sent out a request from Southwinds Church, another small church in their network, asking churches to consider bringing a mission team to assist them in a week of outreach. We have prayerfully responded to their request. We will be putting together a team (Lord willing) that will come alongside them in an annual pancake breakfast they sponsor during a local festival, a four day tee-ball camp, and a community block party. This trip will take place July 4-12. The cost of the trip will be approximately $1200.00. We will be lodging in host homes to save money and will be doing a fundraiser to help offset some of the cost. Please pray and consider whether the Lord would have you take part. We will have an informational meeting right after our morning service on February 16.

Come Join Us for Worship.

Times and Location