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Minister's Blog

August 2024

July 31, 2024

Buckle Up, August has Arrived!!
I always get excited when the new school year is approaching. It is such an exciting time in our homes, community, and church. I do not need to remind anyone of the flurry of activity taking place in Ruston. We love our kids and schools, but I think Ruston is a little more stirred due to the universities preparing to welcome students. I hope the city is not the only thing stirred this month! I pray the Lord will stir Emmanuel Baptist Church to seek Him! I cannot wait for our Revival (August 25-28, 6:30 nightly) to get here. Dr. Reggie Bridges is going to help us kick things off on Sunday night and Dr. H.B. Charles will be with us Monday through Wednesday. Both men are accomplished pastors, gifted Bible expositors, and most importantly faithful men of God. Bro. Dee Alexander will be with us all week leading us in worship.
I fully expect we will have some great meetings, but I pray we will all experience much more. The Psalmist pleaded: Let your hand be with the man at your right hand, with the son of man you have made strong for yourself. Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. Restore us, Lord, God of Armies; make your face shine on us, so that we may be saved, Psalm 80:17-19, CSB. Are you pleading with the Lord, asking Him to have His hand on your life, your family, your church, and your nation? Pray with me as we approach this time of revival. Pray the Lord will revive our church that we may call on His name! Pray The Lord would restore us (His church), and make His face to shine upon us that we may truly be a city set upon a hill that points the world to Christ! Our families and our nation are in disarray. It is easy to gripe and complain, but do we plead with the Lord? Will you pray, “revive us, that we may call on and glorify His name?” Please make every effort to attend our Wednesday night prayer meetings this month as we take special time to pray for Revival.

Sunday Morning Texts for August:
August 4: Bro. Shadd: Matthew 6:5-15, The Lord’s Prayer and God’s Plan
August 11: Mark 6:1-6, Jesus’ Rejection at Nazareth
August 18: Mark 6:7-12, The Commissioning of the Twelve
August 25: Mark 6:30-44, More than Enough

Come Join Us for Worship.

Times and Location